
My open-source side projects and stuff that I built with my colleagues at work


MICO AVP - Alpha Video Player

MICO AVP - Alpha Video Player

An open-source Alpha video player within the company that can play Alpha videos on the web.

Built with:WebGL,Canvas
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MoonFox Data - Aurora's Big Data Brand

MoonFox Data - Aurora's Big Data Brand

The MoonFox Data brand portal includes iAPP, iBrand, iMarkting, Alternative Data and other parts, and users can obtain the Moon Fox big data service on the website.

Built with:Next.js,React,ECharts,AntDesign,i18,Gulp
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Aone - Open Platform for Geographic Business Data

Aone - Open Platform for Geographic Business Data

Edit the map fence online to generate a portrait of the crowd tag inside the fence.

Built with:Nuxt.js,Vue,Amap,Baidu Map,Vuex
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iAPP Lite - WeChat Mini-Program

iAPP Lite - WeChat Mini-Program

View iAPP data on your phone at any time.

Built with:Mini-Program Vanilla,Antv-F2,JState-mini
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Aurora DMP - Data Management Platform

Aurora DMP - Data Management Platform

Users can filter data by customizing IMEI, application, mobile phone number, OAID and other conditions, and generate user portrait charts online.

Built with:Nuxt.js,Vue,Amap,Baidu Map,Vuex
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Side projects - Mengke's coding journey - Mengke's coding journey

Built with:Next.js v13,React,Tailwind CSS
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qiankun-demo - Quick Start Qiankun Micro Frontend

qiankun-demo - Quick Start Qiankun Micro Frontend

Qiankun Micro frontend integrates various frameworks, including Vue2, Vue3, React, Nuxt, Angular, etc..

Built with:qiankun,Vue,React,Nuxt,Angular
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coord-check - Geographic coordinate checking

coord-check - Geographic coordinate checking

Quickly check a set of string coordinates for incorrect coordinates and format them.

Built with:JavaScript
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年龄计算器 - WeChat Mini-Program

年龄计算器 - WeChat Mini-Program

More than 2,800,000+ users. Calculate various age data of users by birthday.

Built with:Mini-Program Vanilla
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恋爱匹配度 - TikTok Mini-Program

恋爱匹配度 - TikTok Mini-Program

More than 14,000,000+ users. Love theme app for teens.

Built with:Mini-Program Vanilla
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Built with
-View source
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Mengke's blog - Mengke's coding journey